Don’t mess with perfection

Troubling perfection, adding chocolate chips and walnuts (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

While it is often advised not to mess with perfection, there are times when you need to push boundaries. Trouble things. After all, how will you know what else is possible, what frontiers might open, what discoveries will be made. I tried that with my coconut drops recipe, to change things up. You know, experiment. It did not turn out well, at least for not me but the taste testers gobbled them up. It is because taste is subjective that I have decided to share what I did with you. Maybe you will try it and agree with me or perhaps, it just might be your thing.

It all started with me seeing a photograph of what was described as a Coconut Sweet Bread with Chocolate Chips. The bread in the photograph looked inviting. I had visions of a warm thick slice with a cup of tea. I don’t really like chocolate so I never have it stocked in any form. I like chocolate chips in my banana bread because it brings richness and moisture to the loaf. Knowing what it does with the banana bread, I figured it might be a nice addition to the Coconut Drops, an extra hint of sweetness and little morsels of creaminess. So off I went to buy a pack of chocolate chips.