President Ali participates in national cleanup exercise

The president raking the grass as it is cut by community enhancement workers

President Irfaan Ali on Saturday morning participated in the country-wide clean-up campaign that was organised by the Ministry of Public Works.

According to Department of Public Information (DPI) release, the head-of-state was joined by Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai; Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugh Todd; and Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar.

The exercise focussed on the drainage and irrigation systems around various locations in the city, especially at the DSL Junction on Mandela Avenue, Ruimveldt, where President Ali aided in the clean-up efforts.

The release noted that in that area, the drainage was poor which often caused water to settle on one side of the road. President Ali and his team managed to create channels to facilitate the proper drainage of the water.