Four shot dead in Trinidad over weekend

(Trinidad Express) Four more homicides were reported between Saturday night and Sunday morning.


The deceased have been identified as Kevin ‘Shrek’ Lucas, Shereen Salandy, David Best, 46, and Jameel James, 35.


Lucas and Salandy were fatally shot at about 3 a.m. on Sunday along the Boodoo Highway in Sangre Grande.


According to initial reports Lucas and Salandy were said to be liming along the roadway when residents of the area heard a series of loud explosions.

Upon investigating they found both men lying on the roadway in pools of blood.

The police and paramedics were notified, however, they both died shortly after.


The scene was visited by a team of officers from the Eastern Division as well as the Homicide Bureau, led by Snr Sup Guy Alleyne.

Several spent shells were said to have been recovered.

About two hours earlier, Best, who was a private hire driver, was fatally shot along Kangalee Street in Valencia.

Two other persons, a 41-year-old man from Curepe and a 30-year-old woman from San Juan, were also injured in this incident.

At about 12:05 a.m. yesterday, a group of persons were said to be attending the wake of a woman who died recently along Kangalee Street, when two men dressed in what appeared to be uniforms of members of the T&T Police Service and the T&T Regiment were observed standing along the roadway.


Both men were masked and said to be holding firearms.

The suspects opened fire on the group without warning, hitting the three individuals.

Best was shot in the face and chest.

The 41-year-old man was shot to his right shoulder while the 30-year-old woman was shot in her left leg.


The suspects were then observed running behind a nearby property and onto a track that leads to the Valencia Bye Pass Road.

The police and paramedics were notified and a team of officers from the Eastern Division and the Homicide Bureau led by Sgt Ramdeen and Sgt De Suze, responded.

Twelve spent 9mm shells were found on the scene of the shooting.

Police currently have no motive for this incident.

James, of Chandy Lane in San Juan, was fatally shot at about 6:30 p.m. on Saturday in Morvant.

Police were told that residents of Westmore Road in Second Caledonia heard gunshots and upon investigating they observed a Hyundai Tucson parked nearby.


It appeared to have been shot-up and both left passenger doors were open.

No one was in the vehicle at the time.

The police were notified and officers from the North Eastern Division Task Force responded.

James’ bullet-riddled body was found hidden in some bushes near the roadway.

He had been shot in the head and chest.

Six spent 9mm shells as well as two live rounds of 9mm ammunition were found at the scene, police said.

A team of officers led by ASP Callender from the North Eastern Division as well as the Homicide Bureau, responded.

WPC Billy is continuing enquiries.

While police do not have an official motive for the incident, based on initial intelligence the killing has been classed as gang-related.