Mason, 21, dies after hit by car on his birthday

Aaron Dookaran
Aaron Dookaran

A young mason who celebrated his 21st birthday on Sunday died that same night after he was hit by a car on the public road at Number Two Village, West Coast Berbice, leaving his family in mourning. 

Dead is Aaron Dookaran, 21, a mason of Rosignol, West Bank Berbice.

According to the police, the incident, which occurred around 11 pm, involved motor car PAG 8265 driven by Gansham Munshi, motor car PZZ 4450 which was parked by 20-year-old Everest Japal  and Dookaran.

The police said they were told that Dookaran allegedly ran across the road into the path of PAG 8265 resulting in a collision. The young man was flung into the air on impact and landed on PZZ 4450 which was parked on the other side of the road.

He was picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital, where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty who pronounced him dead on arrival.

Dookaran’s aunt, Nareefa Singh of Lot 23 Rosignol Village, West Bank Berbice, relayed that they received a phone call on Sunday night, informing them that he had passed away.

“We drive and go straight to the hospital and when we reach hospital he been done dead. He lie down on the stretcher and blood deh all over,” she explained tearfully. “I wasn’t there. I didn’t see what happened, but everybody saying he didn’t run over. If you see where his slipper was and where he pitched you will see. Everybody saying he didn’t run across the road.”

According to her, Dookaran sustained major injuries. “Blood been a run all over, from he side and from he face. Them had one bucket a side like them been a catch blood,” she added.

She continued, “We a hear different, different story. Dem a say car knock he down. We went Blairmont Police Station and when we go there the station was full and a lot of people was there and I go in first and say we come concerning the accident and nobody didn’t answer us like we invisible.”

She said, the driver of the car was present along with his parents. “The police questioning him [the driver] and the father was answering,” she claimed.

According to her, her family was not treated well by the officers present and were asked why they had gathered at the station at that time.

The family is pleading for a proper investigation to be carried out. “We are Aaron family. Dem supposed to ask we or tell we to come back in the morning. But we decide and went back to the station this morning and the family [of the driver] was there and we had no talking with them,” she said.

Dookaran’s family is awaiting a date to be scheduled for an autopsy to be done. “We need justice, we want justice. We pickney dead, we know he na come back. You can’t push around a grieving family. Aaron never sick. He na one bad person. He always willing to help you. He always get one smile from he face. Anybody can tell you he na one bad child,” the emotional aunt said.