GuySuCo did not set the record straight

Dear Editor,

I refer to GuySuCo’s press release about the 3 ft. of water standing in the Albion estate covering the canes for nearly three months from May to July 2021. To repudiate my submission on the matter, GuySuCo wrote a letter to the newspaper captioned, “GuySuCo sets the record straight”. And I quote the following stated therein “Regarding the writer’s recount of events surrounding the flood of 2020 which destroyed much of Albion’s cultivation, a comprehensive investigation has since been undertaken and results show that in that year, we experienced 74 percent more rainfall than was anticipated.”

First of all, the flood I referred to was in May and June 2021, not 2020! And second, when I asked the board to recommend a commission of inquiry into the matter due to the false and misleading details contained in the report of the “technical team” it was decided that there was mismanagement and negligence in the causation of the flood, but since management accepts responsibility there was no need for an enquiry. Now GuySuCo is saying that “there was a full investigation into the matter… and it was declared a natural disaster.” I totally reject that since it was declared a national disaster not a natural disaster.


Tony Vieira