Govt to sign contract for mineral mapping

The Government of Guyana will today sign a US$1.9 million mineral mapping agreement with United States-based company Global Venture for the mapping of this country’s resources.

Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat last week announced that the company had been selected from five which had bid earlier this year for the contract. Global Venture’s US$1.9 million bid was the most responsive.

Watts, Griffis & McOuat Limited (WGM) of Canada had placed a bid of US$1.3 million along with an additional $88 million. Another Canadian firm, Technical Management Group Limited (TMG) in partnership with Purple Rock Inc submitted a bid of US$2.8 million while SLR Consulting Limited of the UK bid £156,976 (approximately US$204,590) but it did not include expenses. Oculus Geophysical Resources of the USA had placed a US$1.5 million bid.