Man, 20, remanded over attempted murder, wounding charges

Shemar Jordan
Shemar Jordan

A 20-year-old Port Kaituma man was yesterday denied bail when he appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, charged with attempted murder and malicious wounding.

It was alleged that on August 18, 2024 at North Sophia, Georgetown, Shemar Jordan, 20, wounded Kester Rose with intent to commit murder. It was also alleged that on the same day, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Tiffany Edwards. He was not required to enter a plea for either charge.

The prosecution objected to bail due to the seriousness and prevalence of the offences. Prosecutor Quincy Lacon informed the magistrate that Rose was in a critical condition at the hospital, suffering from a nearly severed head. He also stated that Edwards feared for her life as she and the accused live near each other. Additionally, the prosecutor said, Jordan gave no fixed place of abode to the police, which could complicate locating him if he were granted bail.

Edwards, who was present in court, pleaded with the magistrate for protection, expressing fear for her life given the gravity of the situation. Considering everything presented before her, Magistrate Latchman remanded Jordan to prison until September 18, 2024.