Young woman seeks financial assistance for life-saving surgery

Anjanie Singh
Anjanie Singh

A young woman of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, is urgently seeking financial assistance after being diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition that requires immediate surgery.

Anjanie Singh, whose situation gained widespread attention after she posted an emotional appeal on social media on August 13, 2024, needs $7 million to undergo the life-saving surgery.

According to the post, on May 1, 2024, Singh experienced a sudden onset of severe headaches and vomiting. Concerned family members rushed her to the hospital. According to documents she posted, an MRI cerebral angiography revealed elongated saccular aneurysm, intraparenchymal haemorrhage and irregular gliotic areas. Singh was hospitalised for five days as doctors monitored her condition and provided treatment. However, after being discharged, she continued to experience intense headaches, dizziness, and other debilitating symptoms,  which significantly affected her quality of life.

A MRI Document

In the months following her initial diagnosis, Singh consulted multiple doctors and underwent further scans in a desperate search for answers. In July, she was informed that surgical intervention was necessary.

Initially, the procedure was slated to be performed at the Georgetown Public Hospital. However, Singh was later advised that it would need to be done at a private medical facility due to its complexity and the specialised care required. The estimated cost for the procedure is $7 million, a sum far beyond what she and her family can afford.

The Ministry of Health has committed to contributing $1 million towards the surgery, but this leaves a significant shortfall of $6 million. With mounting medical bills, overdue rent, and her inability to work due to her deteriorating health, Singh turned to the public for assistance. As the primary breadwinner for her family, her inability to earn an income has placed even more strain on her already challenging situation.

“I never imagined my life would come to this. I’m pleading with anyone who can help, please help me. I want to live,” she said in her social media post. Her story has been shared widely, with both local and diaspora communities rallying to contribute what they can. Various fundraising initiatives have since been launched, and donations have started trickling in, but the road ahead remains steep.

With time running out, Singh’s family and supporters are hopeful that the public’s generosity will bridge the financial gap needed to secure the surgery. They have also expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time

For those willing to contribute, donations can be made directly to Singh’s family or through designated fundraising channels such as her sister’s Sherlyn Singh Demerara Bank Account Savings account # 001002516748 or MMG# +5926444484, those wishing to contact Singh to make a donation  can do so on +592 708 7813.