Young woman seeks financial assistance for life-saving surgery

Anjanie Singh

A young woman of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, is urgently seeking financial assistance after being diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition that requires immediate surgery.

Anjanie Singh, whose situation gained widespread attention after she posted an emotional appeal on social media on August 13, 2024, needs $7 million to undergo the life-saving surgery.

According to the post, on May 1, 2024, Singh experienced a sudden onset of severe headaches and vomiting. Concerned family members rushed her to the hospital. According to documents she posted, an MRI cerebral angiography revealed elongated saccular aneurysm, intraparenchymal haemorrhage and irregular gliotic areas. Singh was hospitalised for five days as doctors monitored her condition and provided treatment. However, after being discharged, she continued to experience intense headaches, dizziness, and other debilitating symptoms,  which significantly affected her quality of life.