Local refs Prescott, Cyrus, Goulding selected for CFU U-14 football

The Guyanese trio of Brandon Cyrus, Kenisha Prescott, and Safiya Goulding

The refereeing trio of Kenisha Prescott, Brandon Cyrus, and Safiya Goulding have been selected to officiate at the ongoing Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Boy’s U-14 Challenge Series, which is being staged in Trinidad and Tobago.

This was confirmed by a press release from the Guyana Football Federation (GFF). According to the federation, the selection of the trio is evidence of the rigourous training programmes that are being employed to produce quality referees.

Prescott, who recently officiated in the CONCACAF Girl’s U-15 Championship in Costa Rica, said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to be here to showcase my talent, which will help me to elevate to the next level.”