Kako’s toshao calls for respect, constructive dialogue between govt and Indigenous leaders

Toshao Romario Hastings

Calling for mutual respect and constructive dialogue between government and community leaders, Toshao of Kako Romario Hastings yesterday took Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo to task over his apparent angst with the Amerindian People’s Association and his suggestion that toshaos could opt out of the carbon credits scheme.

Speaking at the National Toshao Council Conference on August 20, Jagdeo said: “Any toshao who believes that this programme is not serving their people and their community is free to opt out because the APA doesn’t want you to collect this money. You’re free not to take it; the money could easily go to the villages that want it.”

Acknowledging the potential benefits of the carbon credits scheme, Hastings said,  “As a young leader, I agree that it’s a brilliant initiative to generate revenue from our forests. Indigenous people rightfully deserve every dollar from these funds.” He emphasized that any disagreements with specific aspects of the scheme does not diminish the entitlement of Indigenous communities to the funds.