Labourer dies after being chopped in family dispute in Sophia

Dead: Emmanuel Rose
Dead: Emmanuel Rose

A 19-year-old labourer of Port Kaituma, North West District was chopped to death at his family’s home at Lot 122 Block ‘F’ North Sophia, on Sunday. Dead is Emmanuel Rose.

Enquires revealed that Rose died after a large crowd of men and women chased after he, his brother Ezekiel Proffitt and a friend, Shemar Jordan, throwing large stones at them. They ran into their home followed by their attackers who chopped Jordan in the head and mouth. Emmanuel and his brother were also chopped about their bodies. Jordan claimed he managed to run out of the house and hid himself until the police and ambulance arrived and Emmanuel was found dead at the scene.

The incident, according to a police statement, derived from an alleged wounding which occurred on Sunday at about 05.00 hours at the Rose family home. It is alleged that Rose, his brother Ezekiel and friend Jordan, a 20-year-old of labourer of Port Kaituma, North West District, wounded a cousin, Kester Rose, a 28-year-old driver of Lot 122 Block ‘F’ North Sophia, and his girlfriend, Tiffany Edwards, a 30-year-old, self-employed of the same address, which resulted in them being hospitalised.

It is alleged that ever since the grandfather, who the property belonged to, died about a month ago, the family started having issues about the ownership of the property, which Kester occupies. Last Saturday, at about 22.30 hours, Kester and his girlfriend were in their home which is a one-storey concrete structure located in the same yard, when Emanuel came and started to argue with Kester. They both ended up in a scuffle. It is alleged that Emanuel destroyed Kester’s bed along with other items in the house and went away.

Shortly after, Kester and his girlfriend secured their home and went to bed. The following morning, Sunday, at about 05.00 hours, Emanuel returned with Ezekiel and his friend, who were all armed with cutlasses. They broke and entered Kester’s home, went into his bedroom and began chopping both occupants about their bodies after which they made good their escape.

Kester and his girlfriend were rushed by public spirited citizens to the Georgetown Public Hospital where they were admitted to the emergency unit. Their conditions were given as stable. Kester sustained multiple chop wounds to his leg, back, head, and hands, while his girlfriend sustained one chop wound to her left hand. One cutlass was recovered at the scene. Several persons in the area were interviewed, but no useful information was forthcoming. Checks were made for all the suspects, but they could not be located. No CCTV cameras were seen in the area.

According to Jordan, he and Emmanuel were close friends. Sometime during the month of July of this year, Emanuel brought him from Port Kaituma to Georgetown to work as a labourer in D’Urban Backlands. Jordan said that he and Emanuel stayed at the same home which belonged to Emmanuel’s grandmother. The lot, the police say, has two houses, one of which is occupied by Kester and his girlfriend.

Jordan related that since he and Emanuel started occupying the house, there has been constant problems between them and Kester who wanted them out of the house. He noted that on Sunday at about 01:00 hours, he along with Emanuel went home after attending a bar-b-cue in D’Urban Backlands. Upon their arrival, they observed their clothes burning in the front yard. He said they then confronted Kester who was at the time in company of an identifiable man and asked him why he burnt their clothing. Kester responded by going into his house and returned with a long knife and a cutlass and struck him in his neck. Jordan said he along with Emanuel ran out of the yard with Kester and the man in pursuit. However, they managed to evade them and went to the Kitty Police Station where they reported the matter, after which they went to the Georgetown Public Hospital where Jordan was treated and sent away.

Jordan told the police that Emanuel called his father, Shyndell Proffit, to the home, and he confronted Kester and asked him what the problem was between him and his son. This obviously angered Kester, because he and the identifiable man began chopping the senior Proffit about his body with a cutlass. A fight ensued between Emanuel, his father and Kester during which they all sustained injures about their bodies. Jordan and Emanuel took the father to the Woodlands Hospital along with the younger Proffit where they were treated.

It was at this juncture that, according to Jordan, he along with Emmanuel and his brother, retured to the house to bathe and change their clothing when they were chased into the house by the crowd and which allegedly resulted in Emanuel being chopped to death.