Opposition indigenous leaders evicted from toshaos conference

MP Vincent Henry before he was escorted out of the conference

Disputes unfolded at the National Toshaos Council Conference (NTCC) on Monday and yesterday, leading to accusations of unlawful conduct and eviction from the Arthur Chung Conference Centre of Member of Parliament and Leader of the Guyana Action Party (GAP) Vincent Henry, and Central Executive Committee member of the PNCR Mervyn Williams.

Speaking with Stabroek News yesterday Williams said, “I was not even allowed in. I will write a press release on my experience. But what I will say is that with all I have read about North Korea, I strongly believe that what we in Guyana are rapidly accepting as the norm, is taking us down the road of living in a dictatorship like North Korea. We have people here who are ruling with an iron fist and screaming ‘this is democracy’.”

Henry, who is also a member of the Parliament Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, said he was forcibly removed from the conference despite his claims of rightful attendance as an Indigenous leader. According to Henry, he had registered, received a badge, and was seated among other attendees. However, he was later approached by a staff member and subsequently a police officer, who alleged that he was impersonating someone and instructed him to leave.