Daily Archive: Friday, August 23, 2024

Articles published on Friday, August 23, 2024

Health ministry hosts workshop on Public Health Emergency Management

As part of its ongoing preparation for public health emergencies, last Tuesday,  the Ministry of Health (MoH), in collaboration with the visiting delegation from the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, hosted a two-day Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) workshop at the ministry’s boardroom on Brickdam, Georgetown, a MoH release announced yesterday.                          

GWI water samples taken on August 20 from various areas in Central Georgetown which indicate improvements in the clarity of the water

Steady improvement of water quality in Central Georgetown – GWI

After much clamouring and complaining from its customers customers in central Georgetown about the poor quality of water, the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) on Tuesday said there has been steady improvement of the water quality.  According to a release, as daily monitoring and water quality testing continue, the results have shown continuous improvement in the quality and supply.

Founder and CEO of EcoSolutions Inc.
Ms Ndibi Schwiers

Eco Solutions’ CEO sees Building Expo as structured opportunity for product promotion

At a time when Guyana’s petro fortune continues to focus attention on the opportunities that it offers to external onlookers seeking to take advantage of local investment opportunities, Guyanese continue to ‘parade’ those openings across the sectors, seeking to attract external buy-ins through investments in local undertakings believed to have the potential to access lucrative international markets.

Trinidad and Tobago
Finance Minister Colm Imbert

T&T Finance Minister cites local institutions embodying good governance’s ‘checks and balances

In circumstances where fellow Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, not least Guyana, have been accused of compromising the effectiveness of state institutions in pursuit of their substantive responsibilities, Trinidad and Tobago’s Finance Minister, Colm Imbert, according to the Trinidadian Guardian August 14, 2024 report, has been parading his country’s “strong checks and balances for good governance credentials” in a presentation at the recent 4th Dialogue on Governance for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean at the Hyatt Regency (Trinidad) hotel in Port-of-Spain.

Belize Agriculture Minister Jose Abelardo Ma

Belize’s Agriculture Minister talks up country’s sugar ‘woes’

Etched in the history of some of the earliest socio-economic links between Africa, Europe and the Caribbean, sugar may well be living on borrowed time as a fixture in (parts of) the region’s economy, except it undergoes a generous measure of reform, according to Веlіzе’ѕ Agriculture Minister, Jose Abelardo Mai.  While sugar’s historical roots are deeply embedded in the development of several other member countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Belize Breaking News in its article of August 15, 2024, said that Belize’s Minister of Agriculture recently used his Ministry’s Annual General Meeting to raise what, for the region as a whole, has become an important, even critical issue.

Sophia residents introduced to CESP initiative

As part of government’s drive to increase skills training for its citizens to enable them to participate fully in the country’s economic boom, the Ministry of Housing and Water (MoHW) has introduced an initiative designed to foster economic growth in vulnerable communities.

10 students from Camille’s Academy benefiting from five days of practical work experience

Belize Agriculture Minister Jose Abelardo Ma

Ten students from Camille’s Academy are benefiting from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) Annual ‘Teenternship’ Programme 2024, which is aimed at providing them with practical experiences in the working environment in relation to leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and management.

Beryl may have ‘parked’ 25×2025 target – T&T Agri Ministry official

There are strong indications among some countries in the Caribbean that the highly-touted regional objective of reducing extra regional food imports by 25% by 2025 is not anywhere close to being achievable in the wake of the setback in sections of the region’s agricultural sector deriving from Hurricane Beryl and the damage it wreaked in several CARICOM territories.

Participants at the OHS workshop

Labour ministry hosts occupational health and safety training for public sector employees

The Ministry of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Department is collaborating with the Ministry of Public Service-Training and Development Department, to host a three-day Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) workshop at the Public Service Ministry’s Training and Development Complex, Vlissengen Road & D’Urban Street, Wortmanville, George-town, a Ministry of Labour release stated on Tuesday.

Kitco Market Data

Gold Prices for the three day period ending Thursday August 22, 2024 Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver.

Teachers’ deal

Normally when a union signs a pay deal with an employer the assumption is that the members of its executive all endorse the agreement.


GSE (https://guyanastockexchangeinc.com/telephone Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1085’s trading results showed consideration of $8,338,854 from 37,041 shares traded in 18 transactions as compared to session 1084’s trading results which showed consideration of $2,761,889 from 10,123 shares traded in 35 transactions.

The advent of Beryl provides more reason for the region to hear from the food security ‘Lead Heads’

Beryl provides more reason for the region to hear from the food security ‘Lead Heads’ If in the light of recent events the Stabroek Business has decided to take yet another tilt at the issue of regional food security that is because we could not think of another more suitable issue to address in the wake of the intrusion of Hurricane Beryl and the further negative impact that it has had on food security in some territories even before she had made her rumbustious presence felt.