Eco Solutions’ CEO sees Building Expo as structured opportunity for product promotion

Founder and CEO of EcoSolutions Inc. Ms Ndibi Schwiers

At a time when Guyana’s petro fortune continues to focus attention on the opportunities that it offers to external onlookers seeking to take advantage of local investment opportunities, Guyanese continue to ‘parade’ those openings across the sectors, seeking to attract external buy-ins through investments in local undertakings believed to have the potential to access lucrative international markets. Not least among those local entrepreneurial ventures seeking to ‘catch’ the country’s investment  ‘petro wave’ in an effort to hitch a ride to the wider international market is Eco Solutions, an enterprise that provides glimpses of the craft gift ‘bequeathed’ to many Guyanese.

The 54 Section C Turkeyen workshop named Eco Solutions from where creative ideas are transformed into finished products is a maze of hustle and bustle as skilled craftspeople fashion ‘eye-catching’ finished products out of an array of indigenous raw materials. The pieces ‘turned out’ by Eco Solutions creations pay as much attention to ‘finish’ as they do the decorative content created by the factory and the painstaking effort to provide the neatest assemblage possible. A glimpse at the finished pieces send messages of taste and class targeting what would secure them entry into even the most demanding markets.