Murdered Trinidadian father tried to shield his daughter

DEAD: Enrico Guerra and his daughter, Anika.

(Trinidad Express) The men who came to kill mini mart owner Enrico Guerra would have seen his five-year-old daughter next to him.

However, they still opened fire on them on Tuesday night.

Guerra, 34, was shot in the back and chest. He died at the scene.

His little girl, Anika, was hit five times, including in the head. She died at the Princes Town District Hospital.

A third person was shot, but survived.

The shootings happened at Guerra’s business place, Enrico’s Corner Mart, at Poui Road Junction, St Mary’s Village.

The St Mary’s police knew about the killings at 9.56 p.m. when someone called to say shots were being fired at the store.

Crime scene officers recovered 17 spent and live 5.56 ammunition—bullets used in semi-automatic weapons.

The child’s mother, Anastacia Hamilton, was inside the mini mart when the shootings happened. She was not hurt.

The Express visited the family’s home yesterday. There, in a brief interview, Hamilton related that she was inside the mini mart with her daughter, while Guerra was washing his vehicle outside and talking to a friend. “He saw the men running towards him with guns, and he ran inside. He tried to open the gates to come behind the counter, but it got stuck for a few seconds. He finally opened the gate and tried to grab Anika to shield her, but they shot him in the back,” she said.

Hamilton said her fiancé fell backward. Anika was sitting near his leg.

The gunmen saw the child but did not stop firing. Anika was hit five times in the face, back and arm.

Hamilton said when he heard the rapid gunfire, she fell to the ground and closed her eyes.

“I feel like I didn’t know what was happening for a while. I closed my eyes and when the shooting stopped I opened my eyes and saw both of them lying on the ground,” she said.

Guerra was not responding, and was later pronounced dead at the scene.

Anika was taken to hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 10.20 p.m.

Police said three masked men were seen running into a teak field near the scene.

Hamilton said she and Guerra were engaged and had planned to get married next year. “He was a wonderful person, always happy and helpful. He loved his little girl,” she said.

Anika was expected to begin primary school next month.

Guerra’s father, Andy Guerra, spoke to the Express about the death of his only son. “I have two children—a son and daughter. Rico was my only son. I can’t believe he is gone, and my grandchild.

“I talk to my son seconds before this shooting happened. I walk out and he told me to make sure and lock the door. He and his friend were talking outside. Then I went back inside and I heard gunshots. When I came outside I see two men running, and when I went inside the mini mart I see my son and granddaughter on the ground,” he said.

Andy said he did not know why his son was targeted and was uncertain of the motive.

The Express was told that nothing was taken from the mini mart. And the gunmen asked no questions before opening fire on Guerra.

Senior police officers said there were no reports of threats to Guerra or his family, and that he was an upstanding businessman in the community.

The Express reached out to Guerra’s mother, who went to the Forensic Science Centre, Federation Park, yesterday to identify the bodies of her son and grandchild. Relatives, however, said she was not ready to speak with the media about the ­incident.

There was an outpouring of love for Guerra and his daughter on ­social media yesterday. Guerra was described as “the nicest ­human ever” and a hard-working and ­ambitious man.

“Rico was an ambitious, hard working man. A gentle giant. He was polite, respectful, caring and soft (spoken). He’d never drive away unless the gate was closed and the family was safe inside. And oh did Rico love his daughter! She was his ultimate joy,” one person wrote.

Another said, “Why is this world so evil? Why is it we have to bury you and your princess?”