Digicel’s data service in the North Rupununi are a major disappointment for its subscribers

Dear Editor,

The vexatious issue of Digicel’s data service in the North Rupununi and some other hinterland locations has been highlighted previously both on social media and in the print media but no remedial action has been taken to date. I am again raising it here in the hope that this issue can be addressed once and for all. Also, an appeal is being made to the Public Utilities Commission to provide guidance on how consumers, particularly in the hinterland, can lodge complaints with the PUC. For too long customers in remote locations have been subject to poor services by utility companies with no medium to seek redress.

Back to Digicel and its data service. Digicel charges standard rates for its data plans regardless of location. So logically one would expect that there would be equality in service wherever Digicel offers its services. But unfortunately, this is not the case and there are locations in the country where Digicel’s data service is quite poor to put it frankly. Slow and unreliable, Digicel’s data plans, particularly in the North Rupununi, are a major disappointment especially for the many persons studying online.

Again, an appeal is being made to Digicel to get its act together and for the PUC to assist in remedying this perennial issue. Digicel customers in the North Rupununi deserve better. I close this letter by asking the following simple question. If customers are paying for a service which is not being provided in totality, is that not fraud on the part of the company providing the service?


J. Abraham