Gov’t’s costly mistake

Dear Editor,

Environmental and Social Assessments are required pursuant to EXIM bank requirements. Reference to EXIM bank website ( exim-and-environment/AP089490XX-guyana). The following Government of Guyana reports were completed in May 2024:

1, Transmission Line Targeted Assessment

2. Air Quality Modeling Update

3. Water and Sediment Modeling and Associated Impact Assessment Update

Project construction may have commenced in 2022. Loan application(s) may have been submitted in early 2023.  Why were the Environmental and Social Assessment documents completed in May 2024?

Lessons Learned:

1. Complete the requisite documentation prior to loan application.

2. Ensure funding is approved prior to commencement of construction.

Avoid costly mistakes. Hopefully, Guyana’s project is considered in the September 2024 meetings of the EXIM bank Board of Governors.


Gary Sampson