Local women entrepreneurs benefit from financial empowerment forum

Mr. Mohamed Shazim Ibrahim speaking at the Inaugural Women Entrepreneurs Financial Forum

As part of its efforts to bridge the financial literacy gap and support women entrepreneurs in Guyana, ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc (ACI), through the Bankability Fund for Women (BF4W), recently hosted its inaugural “Women Entrepreneurs Financial Empowerment Forum.”   

According to an ACI release, the event which took place on Thursday, August 22, saw the attendance, both in person and virtually, of 93 participants from regions Three, Four, Five, Six, and Ten. The program is designed to provide tailored financial solutions and enhance business acumen for women entrepreneurs. These initiatives, it explained, are aligned with the broader objectives of the BF4W, a program developed by the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) in partnership with ACI and funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Lab. This is part of the ACI’s efforts to support small businesses through free training programs, a new resource centre, personalised business advice and access to funding opportunities.