Disappointed at the absence of a permanent solution to our garbage proliferation

Dear Editor,

It is indeed commendable that leading members of our government have joined the movement to clean up the garbage that is disgustingly proliferating on the highways and byways in all areas of our country. But it is equally disappointing that those in authority cannot see the need for a more permanent solution to this practice of so many of us who are polluting our environment, and more seriously contributing to the climate change that is affecting the world over, and even now causing disasters that are inflicting immeasurable damage to life and property.

I have already many times suggested a somewhat permanent to this problem, which is to institute a system of recycling the plastic, glass and other materials that can not only prevent more pollution, but make these reusable, thus providing untold savings to the reproduction of these.  I believe that making these recycling containers readily available on our streets, public buildings and residential areas will encourage this habit of recycling.


Roy Paul