Leonora low income housing project behind schedule

Dear Editor,

Modular Builds Guyana Inc. has been given Government contracts to build 200 Low Income Houses in Leonora, West Coast Demerara at a cost of $6,000,000 per house ($1.2B total). The company is unknown and doesn’t seem to have built anything prior to be given the contract. Their social media page shows pictures of steel structures in foreign country. They have so far just completed one single house in Leonora after 8 months of operation, yet are touting that the houses can be built in 7 days.

There does not appear to be any investigation on the company. There is no guarantee that the steel houses will last. Rust should be a very real concern because the houses are only covered with cement boards and plaster. Then poor Guyanese will be left to repair and maintain themselves.

The company was handed duty-free concessions for materials and equipment to build the houses, but it is using those materials to build private residences. No NIS or PAYE is paid for the workers who are earning $10,000 – $15,000 per day. The company has allegedly been handed another 250 ($1.5B total) houses to build at Yarrowcabra, Linden-Soesdyke High-way without tendering. It doesn’t seem the company possesses the relevant skills and workforce to complete the jobs because they collect 40% advance of the total cost but then you have to wait months for just the foundations to be done.


David Persaud