Men on Mission gifts Mainstay family with house

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar (left) with the DeYoung family, and the Regional Chairperson,Vilma De Silva (right) cutting the ribbon to open the new home
Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar (left) with the DeYoung family, and the Regional Chairperson,Vilma De Silva (right) cutting the ribbon to open the new home

Forty-three-year-old Sherwin De Young and his family, of Mainstay in Region Two yesterday accepted the keys to a brand-new two-bedroom home from the executive members of Men on Mission (MOM). 

The previous home of the family of seven was gutted on September 6, 2023, leaving them homeless. The two-bedroom house, along with a sofa, refrigerator, and stove, donated by KGM Security, was handed over to the family by MOM – a humanitarian initiative led by President Irfaan Ali.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, who hosted the handing-over ceremony, commended the Men on Mission team for its initiative. He emphasised the importance of charitable work, highlighting that President Irfaan Ali and the People’s Progressive Party are deeply committed to supporting the vulnerable. Indar said that he knew that the family faced a lot of hardship after the fire and noted that from tragedy often comes renewal.

He also praised the DeYoung family for remaining strong and united despite the challenges they encountered. He acknowledged that such crises can often lead to family discord, but in this case, the family’s resilience, coupled with MOM’s support, kept them together.

Indar stated that the members of Men on Mission, like mothers, are nurturers at heart, with the goal of encouraging men to take on roles as caretakers and community leaders. He expressed gratitude to President Irfaan Ali for initiating a programme that extends a helping hand to those in need.

National MOM Coordinator, Lieutenant Colonel Bhageshwar Murli, who was also present at the event, spoke about the expansion of the MOM initiative, which has grown beyond providing shelter, to addressing various community needs. The team has received over 150 requests from across Guyana and continues to assist those who meet their criteria. These include persons with disabilities, those who have lost homes to natural disasters or fires, single mothers with multiple children, and the elderly.

He disclosed that MOM has launched a Youth Empowerment and Mentorship Programme in regions Four and Nine, with plans to expand to regions Three and Five, with the aim of helping to guide and uplift young people.

Meanwhile, the beneficiary, Sherwin De Young, expressed his deep gratitude to MOM. Breaking down in tears, he recalled the fire and confirmed that his family had faced a lot of challenges since then. He said despite this setback, that his children remain A-grade pupils in their classrooms. He said they can now sleep peacefully and is very thankful for the assistance that has allowed him to rebuild his life.

Men on Mission is an initiative led by President Ali, dedicated to supporting vulnerable families and combating toxic masculinity by fostering a supportive environment for men. Through mentoring and humanitarian efforts, MOM promotes integrity, productivity, and accountability within communities. Since its inception, the initiative has focused on constructing homes for those in need, including the elderly and single mothers.

 In September 2023, a fire destroyed the home of Sherwin De Young and his family of seven in Mainstay/Whyaka, leaving them homeless.