NDIA still to update procurement commission on Tepui pump station contract

The Belle Vue Pump Station worksite yesterday

More than a month later, the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) is still to be updated by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) on the progress of the Belle Vue pump station which was controversially awarded to Tepui Inc.

A visit by the Sunday Stabroek to the site yesterday showed that very little work had been done since construction began on the $865m project at the end of January this year.

After the PPC had told the Sunday Stabroek in July this year that it had not been given any updates on the progress of the project,  Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha met with Lionel Wordsworth, Chairman of the NDIA on the matter.  Wordsworth informed the Sunday Stabroek yesterday that the agency is “currently working on” providing the necessary documents to the procurement commission, with further updates expected by tomorrow.