Living with the pain of a mother’s neglect

“I was molested when I was 12 years old and you know what was the worst part of it? My mother did not believe me and she tek me and send me away and continue to live with she husband. But it didn’t last. The whole thing bruk up because he was a drug addict and a criminal and me mother put he in front of me.”

This young woman, who is now a mother herself, sometimes still relives that horrific period of her childhood.

“Sometimes I does sit down and think about that time and I really can’t believe me mother would treat me like that,” she said sadly. “She is a woman and she mek me and you know when I look at me children and I can’t believe I would do something like that to them.

“And now she and none a she children does get along. She does live alone. Nobody don’t want go and live with she. And even when you try you know is always something. I does wish she was just a better mother.”