Ameena Gafoor passes away

Ameena Gafoor
Ameena Gafoor

Writer, philanthropist and promoter of the arts, Ameena Gafoor passed away yesterday.

She is being hailed for her contributions which have left an indelible mark on the cultural scene.

Reflecting on Gafoor’s impact, Sunday Stabroek columnist Al Creighton said, “She was immensely valuable to Guyana and the Caribbean in the realms of art and cultural history.” In December 2023, at its 56th Convocation Ceremony, the University of Guyana conferred the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters on Gafoor, in recognition of her remarkable contributions to literature, the arts, and cultural understanding. Creighton praised her exceptional work in literature and the arts, notably through her book ‘Lantern in the Wind’, which offers a vivid portrayal of Indian indentureship in Guyana.

Gafoor’s career was a rich tapestry of roles: literary critic, editor, publisher, curator, and philanthropist. She turned her personal success into a public benefit, founding and editing the ‘Arts Journal’, a crucial platform for Caribbean intellectuals. Creighton remarked that the journal “marked her out as an outstanding contributor to Caribbean cultural history,” providing critical insights into contemporary literature and the arts.

Gafoor also established the Arts Forum, which became a vibrant centre for cultural activism, particularly in East Indian arts. Her published works, including ‘Aftermath of Empire: The Novels of Roy AK Heath’, ‘A Bibliography of East Indian Writing 1838–2018’, and ‘A Lantern in the Wind: A Fictional Memoir’, further highlighted her contributions. Creighton commended ‘A Lantern in the Wind’ for its “rare insight into Muslim life in Guyana” and its tribute to Gafoor’s family history.

Her influence extended to her role as a jury member for the Guyana Prize for Literature and her receipt of the national Medal of Service. Gafoor’s philanthropic work through her directorships at Gafson’s Group of Companies and the Gafoor Foundation, and her chairmanship of the Doobay Medical Centre Board of Directors, showcased her dedication to social services.

Globally, her impact was recognized with the establishment of the Ameena Gafoor Institute for the Study of Indentureship and Its Legacies in the UK, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. This institute continues her legacy of cultural and historical research.

President  Irfaan Ali  yesterday expressed sorrow over her passing.  “I join all of Guyana in mourning the passing of Mrs. Ameena Gafoor, a truly extraordinary woman whose exceptional contributions to our nation and, especially, to the literary arts, were unparalleled,” Ali said.

He praised Gafoor for her unparalleled kindness and generosity, noting that her efforts were instrumental in supporting various philanthropic causes, with a particular focus on the literary community. Her work helped to cultivate and promote the talents of many writers, poets, and artists across Guyana, leaving a lasting legacy on the country’s cultural landscape.

Ali also commended Gafoor for her humility and warm-spirited nature. “Her gracious nature and compassionate heart made her a beloved figure to all who knew her,” he stated. The President conveyed that with her passing, Guyana has lost not only a significant literary luminary but also one of its kindest souls.

On behalf of the Government and the people of Guyana, President Ali extended heartfelt condolences to Gafoor’s husband, family, and all who are mourning her loss.

The Doobay – Gafoor Medical and Research Centre also mourned her passing.

“We the Doobay – Gafoor Medical and Research Centre Family have lost one of the strongest pillars of our foundation. A true mother like figure, who had a listening ear to the common man, always has a gentle reassuring voice to the disheartened. Mrs. Gafoor Served as the chairman of the board of directors since 2011 to date and has been in support to the transformation of our company from just a dialysis unit, to a medical Centre and now a hospital.

“When it seemed like there was no hope, Mrs. Gafoor had been that light for so many patients and staff members in their times of struggle. Her kindness is unmatched, and her selfless work of philanthropy is proof of that. Thousands of households and individuals had food on their tables or were able to receive lifesaving medical treatment enabling them to live another day.

“She lived a simple and very humble life of service to humanity, and we pray that the almighty grants her soul eternal rest. We join with her immediate family during this period of grief with prayers that their hearts will find comfort knowing how important the deceased has been and how many lives she touched”, it said in a statement.