Businessman remanded after gun, ammo found at Main and Middle Sts

Andre Pollydore

Thirty-seven-year-old businessman Andre Polly-dore yesterday appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court, charg-ed with the possession of a firearm and  ammunition without a licence.

It was alleged that on August 24, 2024, at Main and Middle streets, Georgetown, Pollydore was in possession of a 9mm pistol and eight live rounds of ammunition without being the holder of a firearm licence or ammunition licence. He pleaded not guilty to both charges.

The prosecution objected to bail, stating that on the day in question, ranks acting on information went to Main and Middle streets, where they observ-ed Pollydore standing beside motorcar PAG 2707. They enquired if he was the owner of the vehicle, to which he responded that he was. The ranks then requested to search his person; however, nothing was found. They subsequently requested to search the motorcar during which they found a passport belonging to Pollydore and the firearm hidden under the front passenger seat.