Shot electrician succumbs

Raymond Knipe

Seventy-year-old electrician, Raymond Knipe, who was hospitalized at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was shot on August 3rd at Lot 47 Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown, succumbed to his injuries last Friday at 14:15 hrs, a statement from the Guyana Police Force said.

According to the police, Knipe parked his motor bus BNN 9253 in his yard, and observed that a man dressed in all black, with a hoodie over his head, had followed him. Knipe told the police that the man pointed a gun at him and began to squeeze the trigger, but the gun did not fire.

The police statement related that the victim ran to the back of his house, with the suspect giving chase. As Knipe attempted to open the grill door to his apartment, the police said the suspect discharged several rounds in Knipe’s direction, hitting him.