Trinidad: Wife killed roadside, husband left for dead

Reshma Peters
Reshma Peters

(Trinidad Express) A Debe woman was killed and her husband chopped on Saturday night.

The body of Reshma Peters, 45, of Wilson Road in Barrackpore, was found with multiple injuries in the vicinity of a Heritage Production tank farm on Mohess Road in Barrackpore.

Her husband, Ravi Samlal, 36, was treated at the hospital for a head injury.

Police were told that on Saturday night Peters and Samlal were walking along Mohess Road Extension in Barrackpore when at around 7 p.m. upon reaching the vicinity of Heritage Production GN4 Tank Farm No 4 a vehicle of unknown colour, make and registration number stopped behind them.

A man alighted from the vehicle and approached them, description unknown who dealt Samlal a chop to his forehead rendering him unconscious.

The report stated that when Samlal awoke he could not find Peters and made his way to his home about half a mile away.

He told his sister what happened and she contacted the police and ambulance services.

Samlal was conveyed to the San Fernando General Hospital where he was treated for a head injury.

The next morning, relatives searching for Peters found her body at around 10.15 a.m. and contacted the police.

The body of Peters was clad in a grey top and a pair of long purple jeans.

She was bare feet.

The body bore injuries to the head, hip and right leg.

Police cordoned off the area and also responding to the scene were ASP Bandhan, Sgts Dunkarie, and Adams as well as officers of the Homicide Bureau of Region Three Sgt Elvin and PC Lall and Sirikissoon.

Officers of the South-Western Division Crime Scene Unit retrieved a part of a black bumper of a vehicle, a pair of female white slippers, a black hat and a piece of white cloth.

The body was examined by a district medical officer and removed to Armours Funeral Home in Princes Town for safekeeping pending a post-mortem at the Forensic Science Centre in Federation Park.