Get rid of the pit latrines

Dear Editor,

The Editorial ‘Pit latrines at schools’ (SN August 26) had much to say about the PPP Government’s recalcitrance, all the way back to 2008, but not a word on the former government’s handling of this matter. It seems it has been absolved from all responsibility and are entirely blameless. No explanation has been offered by those coming out swinging about this state of affairs and what was done to fix it, when they held the reins of power. It can be garnered, nothing, but in pure political bravado, fingers point in the opposite direction.

It has to be seen as foot dragging that while a plan exists for a new sanitary block at Phillipai Primary School and monies were released to the regional administration some months ago, construction is yet to commence.  This has strands reminiscent of the study done on dormitories but no follow up on the report. It is totally unacceptable, preposterous and an indictment on successive administrations, including regional, that pit latrines are still around and in use in this twenty-first century, particularly at schools. As the Editorial concluded pit latrines must be gotten rid of.  This must be done now, with efficiency!


Shamshun Mohamed