Lyte plays down talk of division in GTU over deal with gov’t

As the start of the new school year approaches,  President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU),  Mark Lyte yesterday said that teachers are actively preparing for the reopening of schools.

He noted, “From what I’ve observed, teachers are engaged in preparation activities, attending orientations, and showing signs of readiness to resume their duties as usual.” When queried about whether recent internal divisions within the GTU over the three-year deal with the government might affect teacher participation in September,  Lyte responded, “I am not aware of any impending strike or protest.”

Coretta McDonald, General Secretary of the GTU however, expressed concerns to Stabroek News  about the pace of school preparations.

“While some progress is being made, I anticipated more would be accomplished given the two-month break. It seems the Ministry only assigned a few individuals to handle the cleaning and refurbishing contracts, which has slowed down the process,” McDonald said.

She suggested that spreading the contracts among more contractors could expedite the work. McDonald also highlighted issues such as overgrown grass, furniture shortages, and ongoing repairs at several schools across Georgetown, the East Coast, and the East Bank. “I hope all work is completed by Saturday. It would be problematic if painting or grass cutting occurs on Sunday, potentially inconveniencing students with paint fumes or insecticide,” she added.

Regarding the GTU’s internal division and whether there may be any intentions of returning to industrial action, McDonald noted that many teachers are discontented over the three-year deal with the government after enduring 75 days of challenging conditions. She criticized the lack of consultation and inadequate review time provided to the General Council before the proposed arrangements were finalized. “There are numerous speculations and dissatisfaction among teachers about the way these matters have been handled,” she said.

The deal covers a number of areas including the following:

Salary Increases: Teachers will see a 10% salary increase in 2024, an 8% increase in 2025, and a 9% increase in 2026. Should public servants receive a higher percentage increase in any of these years, teachers will be adjusted accordingly to match the difference.

 Salary Upgrades for Non-Graduate Teachers: Non-graduate teachers will receive a salary upgrade to the midpoint of their salary scale after three years of continuous service. An application process will be initiated following the signing of the agreement.

Annual Health Screenings: The Ministry, in collaboration with the Minis-try of Health and the GTU, will coordinate annual health screenings for teachers regionally.

Improved Qualification Allowances: Increased non-taxable allowances will be provided based on educational qualifications, ranging from $5,000 for a Certificate in Education Management to $32,000 for a doctoral degree, effective September 1, 2024.

Clothing Allowance: An annual clothing allowance of $15,000 will be introduced, payable in April each year starting in 2024.

Duty-Free Concessions: Teachers will benefit from 150 duty-free concessions annually for vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and outboard engines. Specific eligibility criteria are outlined based on years of service and position.