Lyte plays down talk of division in GTU over deal with gov’t

As the start of the new school year approaches,  President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU),  Mark Lyte yesterday said that teachers are actively preparing for the reopening of schools.

He noted, “From what I’ve observed, teachers are engaged in preparation activities, attending orientations, and showing signs of readiness to resume their duties as usual.” When queried about whether recent internal divisions within the GTU over the three-year deal with the government might affect teacher participation in September,  Lyte responded, “I am not aware of any impending strike or protest.”

Coretta McDonald, General Secretary of the GTU however, expressed concerns to Stabroek News  about the pace of school preparations.

“While some progress is being made, I anticipated more would be accomplished given the two-month break. It seems the Ministry only assigned a few individuals to handle the cleaning and refurbishing contracts, which has slowed down the process,” McDonald said.