President defends plans for new Berbice River bridge

President Irfaan Ali speaking from Region Eight yesterday.

President Irfaan Ali yesterday defended his government’s plans for a state-of-the-art fixed high span bridge across the Berbice River saying that concerns about feasibility, costs, and other issues from the opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) were simply against progress. 

Ali said that the opposition is questioning the feasibility for the bridge at a time when his government has explained that a fixed span bridge was needed to accommodate continuous river and overhead traffic to complement development plans in the region.

“We have already said Berbice will be a major industrial hub… the port facility in Berbice, the new industrial zone, the Palmyra development, the new road we are going to build, but inherently these hypocrites can’t help themselves. Anything development they have to stop. They believe an investment in these regions is a political investment,” he stated yesterday during a visit to Region Eight alongside Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha and Minister of Tourism Oneidge Walrond.