When will someone at the Ministry of Home Affairs be held accountable?

Dear Editor,

The COI into the Mahdia fire came and went, yet no one at the Ministry of Home Affairs has been held accountable. The police scandal came and went, yet no one at the Ministry of Home Affairs has been held accountable. Fire-fighters go to put out fires with hoses that work like sprinkler systems, yet no one at the Ministry of Home Affairs has been held accountable. Prisoners smoke, drink and party while locked up, yet no one at the Ministry of Home Affairs has been held accountable. Members of the anti-narcotic unit get arrested for larceny, yet no one at the Ministry of Home Affairs has been held accountable. Now we have drive-by shootings and people dressed as police officers committing crimes, when will someone at the Ministry of Home Affairs be held accountable?

Fire hoses are supposed to be pressure tested annually and fire equipment is supposed to be inspected and replaced as soon as they are found defective. When will someone at the Ministry of Home Affairs be held accountable? Fire inspection reports that raise serious safety concerns at dorms, schools and places of public gatherings are supposed to be immediately acted upon. When will someone from the Ministry of Home Affairs be held accountable?

The Ministry of Home Affairs must show that they can act effectively to bring about law and order, and public safety. If someone goes to them with evidence, eyewitnesses and the name of the criminal that committed the crime, they must be able to close the case. The Ministry of Home Affairs has yet to show that it is capable of doing its job and effectively serving its purpose. Where does the buck stop?

When will public safety be restored and confidence regained in the GPF, the GFS, the GPS and the GDF? Crime and lawlessness have taken over, and when criminals are locked up the party continues, yet no one at the Ministry of Home Affairs has been held accountable. The President must take action!

With concern,

Mr. Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana