Crossing for new Demerara Harbour Bridge will be free – President

An artist's impression of the new bridge
An artist’s impression of the new bridge

There will be no tolls for crossing at the  country’s three main bridges when they are completed President Irfaan Ali this evening announced.

“On the completion of the New Demerara Harbour Bridge, crossing at the Bridge will be free of cost.  For those who are arguing about mathematics you don’t need a formula. The formula is pure and simple…the toll will be free of cost,” Ali announced at the opening of the new Crane to Schoonord Highway in Region Three.

Prefacing the disclosure,  the President said that he had “big announcements” for the country and to silence his critics.


When he was finished announcing the free tolls for the Demerara Harbour Bridge he continued: “We believe in parity. We are in the process of discussing the possible acquisition of the Berbice Bridge… Once this  occurs and by the time we make the new river bridge, the Berbice River Bridge will also be free of cost. If the negotiations are not completed by the time the new (bridge is done) …the Berbice  bridge at the same time will become toll free”, he said.


“So for those who have a problem…you  have a bigger problem now…and the Wismar bridge will also be free of cost. We are bridging the hearts of Guyanese and we are doing it free of cost,” he added.