The time for apologizing calls are over

Dear Editor,

I’m only writing to keep my writing skills, such as they are, honed. I have not decided what I am going to do next year; I want to be involved, but I’m not so much preoccupied with who will be in power in Guyana. I am only, for now, joining Glenn Lall, Paul Slowe, Chris Ram, Kaieteur News, Stabroek News et al., to show who we absolutely don’t want to be in charge of our affairs going forward from 2025.

Editor, Churchill once said, “If we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future.”  In a recent newspaper issue, there was a letter suggesting that the PNC should apologize to Guyanese for what Burnham did. The man died in 1985, his successor, who was, in my opinion, the best President we ever had, undid most of what Burnham did. Was that not apology enough? Recently, the PPP dropped all references to socialism and communism from their party’s constitution.

Editor, since we were made to suffer through Burnham, as the lesser of two evils, and since both the Americans and the British refused to let Cheddi Jagan and his Russian backed PPP rule Guyana after independence, shouldn’t the PPP also apologize to this nation for prompting the British and Americans to set in motion actions which entrenched Burnham? And to extrapolate this to the next ridiculous level, shouldn’t they [the US, UK] also not apologize to us??

What the PPP has done, by removing socialism from their constitution, was badly conceived, I still can’t believe it! What they are now telling us, is that all the suffering under Burnham was due to Jagan’s now failed ideology!! That the British and the Americans were right to marginalize him!!

We should move on from here and address the real problems we see in the governance of this country today!! How far from a real democracy it has strayed, kept alive by the divisions which our politicians created and continue to nourish, for their personal gain.


Tony Vieira