Is the meeting of the 25/2025 target a ‘dead certainty?’

While due perhaps to the compelling distraction resulting from the intervention of Hurricane Beryl, little has been heard from CARICOM member countries regarding the pace of progress of their collective February 2022 commitment to reducing the region’s food import bill by 25% by 2025. Trinidad and Tobago, through ExportTT Ltd., the country’s national export facilitation organization, charged with generating export growth and diversification in the non-energy goods and services sectors, has dropped a hint that the twin-island Republic continues to have that target in focus.

ExporTT Ltd., General Manager of Client Services, Dhanraj Harrypersad is quoted in the Thursday August 29 issue of the Trinidad Express as saying that while the entity had no ‘numbers’ by which to specifically measure the extent of the country’s progress towards 25×2025, there has, nonetheless, been an increase in manufacturing activity in the country, a development which, he believes, could potentially alleviate some of the country’s foreign exchange foreign exchange shortage.