Ministry in training on new software for road accidents

The training session (Ministry of Public Works photo)
The training session (Ministry of Public Works photo)

The Ministry of Public Works is conducting four training sessions on the new Crash Database Software, GRACE.

A release from the ministry said that GRACE is a web-based system designed to enhance the management, recording and analysis of road accidents. Accessible on any Android mobile device, the software enables data retrieval within minutes.

The system stores data and time data, location information, situational information, data on vehicles involved, casualties, and factors contributing to the accident. The database permits visualization of accidents on an interactive map, as well as a filterable table display of accident records.

The training sessions are structured as ‘train-the-trainer’ programmes to equip various end users with the skills to operate the software, the release said. GRACE offers different levels of user privileges, from Administrator (Super User) to View Only users, who cannot edit or enter data.

A key focus of these sessions is training data collectors, particularly police officers who are likely to be present at crash scenes.