Another participant graduates from Drug Treatment Court

Team Supreme of the Supreme Court of Judicature has announced that yet another participant has successfully completed all of the phases of its drug rehabilitation program and graduated on Friday, August 16.

A release yesterday from the Supreme Court of Judicature highlighted that its Drug Treatment Court has a rigorous programme designed to help persons who misuse substances to transform their lives and become reformed members of society. It noted that the road to recovery is challenging and as such, participants who successfully complete the programme are recognised and applauded for their dedication to the process.

According to the release, the participant was admitted to the programme on June 9, 2023, through the referral of Magistrate Alisha George, who was the presiding magistrate at Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court 1 at the time. On the day of his admission, the participant pledged his commitment and dedication to the programme, and it was noted that throughout his tenure in the programme, he has always complied with all of the specifications of his treatment plans, leading him to be rewarded for his obedience and discipline.

Additionally, subsequent to his initial drug test, he never tested positive for any illicit substances or prescription medication. A noteworthy accomplishment of this participant is his 121 clean consecutive drug tests.

While on the programme, the participant was able to rekindle several significant relationships. He was able to contact his daughters in the UK, and mend his relationship with his mother, his siblings, and their children. As a result, he now has a stable relationship with his family members and is able to play an active role in their lives. The participant is now able to help take care of his mother, and is in close contact with his relatives who reside in Linden.

Magistrate Rhondel Weever who spoke at the graduation ceremony stated, “Your success is not just a personal victory but an inspiration to others who may by struggling with similar challenges,” and Chief Justice (Ag) Roxane George in her brief remarks congratulated the participant and the Drug Treatment Court on this accomplishment.