Stabroek News

I remember Sir Shridath ‘Sonny’ Ramphal as the guiding hand behind our country’s constitution and the late Stephen Campbell

Dear Editor,

The sad news reached Guyana today of the passing of the Hon.  Sir Shridath (Sonny) Ramphal. By every measure, Sir Shridath Ramphal was a man of superb intellect, wisdom and a Guyanese patriot par excellence. I have no doubt that others will catalogue his magnificent journey on earth, serving this country and the wider world with excellence and commitment to make our world a better place.

With fond memories, I remember Sonny as our Attorney General of British Guiana before Independence and his contribution to crafting a Constitution for our Country as an independent nation. To this and among other things, we owe this giant gratitude.

I recall at our Independence Conference, held at Lancaster House in November 1965, his providing guidance to the Late Stephen Campbell who vigorously fought and succeeded for the rights of our Indigenous people.  I remember his excellent, profound remarks as a member of our legislature.

During his delivery, both sides of the House listened with rapt attention, as Sonny articulated and pronounced on matters necessary to ensure the preservation of our history and its relevance to our Guyana. In that regard, I am advised that even in the final moments of his time on earth, he had with him documents related to the Guyana-Venezuela border issue. What a man at 95.

I developed close, personal friendship with Sonny, as a member of the Cabinet, and maintained that friendship even when he served humanity at several international organisations. We will all miss his charm and warmth, with affection.  All Guyana must pay fitting tribute to this Guyanese. To his family members, to Guyana and the wider world, on behalf of my wife and family, we extend our condolences.


Hamilton Green

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