Toll-free travel across the new bridges is indeed welcome news

Dear Editor,

The announcement by President Irfaan Ali that commuters would soon benefit from toll-free travel across the new Demerara, Berbice and Mackenzie/Wismar bridges is indeed welcome news. According to President Ali, ‘we are bridging the hearts and minds of every Guyanese. We are bridging every community and we are doing it free of cost, because we are doing it out of the abundance of love’.

The face of Guyana is already changing with the construction of several major infrastructural works. These projects cost huge sums of money which apart from job creation also has a multiplier effect on the local economy. I am particularly pleased to learn that the new and modern bridge across the Demerara River is the first of its kind in South America and designed to serve Guyanese for at least a century.

Congratulations to the Guyana Government for the initiatives it is taking to improve the quality of life of the Guyanese people. The country is clearly moving along the path of modernization and transformation.


Hydar Ally