NADF commends gov’t on toshaos conference

Dear Editor,

The National Amerindian Development Foundation (NADF) wishes to congratulate the National Toshaos Council (NTC) on successfully completing its recent Conference during August 19 – 23, 2024.

NTC did achieve more than they expected and NADF commends the Government, its Ministries and Agencies for extending full cooperation and energy towards the NTC.

I need not list the positive takeaways from that conference as some have even taken the positives and made them negatives to suit their own agenda.

However, it is left on the shoulders of the Toshaos to continue on the path of furthering the development of their peoples. I urge them not to get complacent but stay focused and work towards achieving their set goals.

2025 will be a challenging year for you but once you put your plans into motion, you will have a productive 2024 -2025. Congratulations.

Yours faithfully,
Ashton Simon
National Amerindian Development Foundation