Constant change

An AI generated sunrise (Image from Freepix)

For fickle creatures such as human beings, the idea of constancy is most blissfully appealing. Every day, we are inspired by the sun, the moon and the earth beneath our feet, which even while taking different forms, adhere to their never-changing rule of simply being present. Thus, by the elementary quality of steadfastness, the sun and moon have garnered the admiration and dependence of billions of creatures that use them as a calendar with which they can plan their entire lives. The sun tells us when to wake up and when to sleep. The moon dictates the passing of months. The earth decides the seasons.

Perhaps it is this awe for constancy that has affected us, or rather the fear for what would take place without it. For when we are forced to meet change, we often find ourselves crumbling under the pressure of it all.

So, as young people, when we find that the very basis of our current lives is change, how do we respond?