Central government usurping the roles of local government authorities runs contrary to article 75

Dear Editor,

As the money come in, plentiful from oil, there is an expectation that the government of Guyana will give the local government authorities their fair share of money to manage their local government authorities’ areas, removing the central government continuous usurpation of the elected council authority. As I brushed through the constitution of Guyana, I can’t find any article that gives central government the duties to perform local government authorities’ work. You should know Editor, that the constitution of Guyana has decentralized the power and duties of the state when it established the 10 Regional Democratic Councils.

The constitution of Guyana states in article 75, that parliament shall provide for local democratic organs to be autonomous. This meant that for any developmental work in a region, central government has to provide the funding to the respective region for the development work to be carried out, in accordance with Article 77, and the council in that area shall also raise funds for such development program. Central government does not have the legal authority to bypass the elected government of a region or lower tier local government authorities and carry out the duties of a council.

All Councils need to be empowered financially to employ qualified staffs, give out contracts, big or small, through financial transfers for projects from central government. Give financial autonomy to local governments, such as tax licenses and also authority to institute fines for local government violation. When a study is done of the cost to maintain and manage a local government authority area and adjustments are needed to be made in taxes or license increased for additional revenue to come in, so the councils can carry out their duties and responsibilities, and central government does not want that, then central government need to give the necessary funds to offset the expenses of a council.

Central government main duties is raising funds, approving policies, approving budgets, laws, ensuring that our military are up-to-date to take care of security, foreign affairs, etc., the local government authorities are to implement the policies of the state and carry out all aspects of development, whether its infrastructures, drainage, education, health, social welfare, sports and culture, economic development, job creation and other development aspects. The real reason that central government continues to usurp local government authorities, by executing contracts in local government areas, many times unknown to the councils, is to receive  political advancement and draw back through donations from contractors directly or indirectly.

If a proper investigation is carried out under the Money Laundering Act, many would not be able to account for the assets they have acquired over the years in their names, or family and friends, or what the political party received. The prejudice and usurping of local government authorities, needs to be stop for Guyana to have a proper system of governance.


Michael Carrington

AFC Vice Chairman