Guyana praised for ‘outstanding’ presence on UN Security Council

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett

Guyana’s term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council which began in January 2024 has been praised as “outstanding” so far by Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, 78th United Nations General Assembly President.

Speaking during a press briefing last month at UN House during his visit here, Francis highlighted that Guyana’s performance, particularly under Ambassador Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett’s leadership, brought great pride to Caribbean states. Rodrigues-Birkett’s role, especially during her presidency of the General Assembly in February 2024—a position that rotates monthly—was marked by her ability to command attention and respect, he said. Her tenure was characterized by statements of considerable substance and depth, ensuring that Guyana’s voice was both heard and valued.

The success of Guyana’s mission, according to Francis, demonstrates the influential role that smaller nations can play in shaping international discourse. Rodrigues-Birkett’s expert handling of these responsibilities showcased that impactful diplomacy is driven not by the size of a nation’s arsenal but by the strength of its arguments and commitment to stability, he added.