New York woman gets 114 months jail for plotting to kill in-law here

Reshma Massarone

The Guyana-born Hudson Valley, New York bank manager who was charged with plotting to kill her brother-in-law while he holidayed in Guyana was last week sentenced to nine and a half years in prison, according to the office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

According to State Attorney Damian Williams, Reshma Massarone had previously pled guilty to murder-for-hire before U.S. District Judge Cathy Seibel, who imposed the sentence on her on August 27th.

Williams said: “The defendant devised a chilling plan to have a member of her own family murdered for the low price of ten thousand (US) dollars.  Her plan was unthinkably heartless.  For this depraved crime, Reshma Massarone will spend 114 months in federal prison.”