Stanleytown construction worker gets three years for cannabis

Kevon Bunyan
Kevon Bunyan

A construction worker was yesterday sentenced to three years in prison and fined $163,000 after he pleaded guilty to having 179 grammes of cannabis in his possession.

Kevon Bunyan, 40, a construction worker, of 52 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice was charged with having in his possession narcotics for the purpose of trafficking on September 1, 2024.

Bunyan appeared at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Michelle Matthias, where he was read the charge and pleaded guilty.

He was then sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and fined $163,000.

Based on information gathered on Sunday, police searched Bunyan’s premises for arms, ammunition, and narcotics.

During the search conducted on his premises, a multi-coloured small bag that contained several transparent zip lock bags with a number of leaves, seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis was found.

Bunyan was then told of the offence committed and police continued the search during which one boat engine and one red CD motorcycle were also found.

He was questioned about the items but could not give a reasonable account as such ranks took possession of them.

Bunyan was taken to the Central Police Station in New Amsterdam where the suspected narcotics were weighed in his presence and amounted to179 grams.

The narcotics were then placed in an evidence bag, marked, sealed and lodged. The other items were recorded and also lodged.