UG Chancellor pays tribute to ‘extraordinary man’ Sir Shridath

Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG) Professor Edward Greene has paid tribute to the late Sir Shridath Ramphal, who served as Chancellor of the University of Guyana from 1990 to 1992.

According to Professor Greene, Sir Shridath was a remarkable Caribbean man and a leading international statesman, whose expansive life’s work and impact are aptly captured in his memoir, “Glimpses of a Global Life”, which together with his book,  “Time for Change: a Report of the Caribbean Commission”, he opined, should be compulsory reading for all, especially Caribbean scholars, students, and diplomats.

He pointed out that Sir Shridath’s outstanding contributions at all stages of the regional movement in the Caribbean – from the short-lived West Indies Federation to Carifta and its blossoming into Caricom now 50 years old – are all well documented. In addition, the seminal work of the West Indian Commission established by the Caricom Heads of Government and which he chaired in 1989, remains a prescient blueprint. Its recommendations to help the people of the West Indies prepare for the 21st century are still so relevant today.

 “As I reflect on Sir Shridath’s venerable life, his impact on me and my colleagues are enduring.  I refer to those of us who witnessed at first hand his mesmerizing attributes as ‘Chairman of the Board’, his astuteness in fashioning cohesion out of divisiveness, his inspirational leadership, his commitment to success and his demonstration of humility even when the outcomes of his efforts called for a triumphant response.  He was a trailblazer, a role model and a Renaissance figure whose legacy will remain undiminished,” Greene wrote.