‘Sunday in the Country’ dominoes event set for September 15th

The 2024 edition of the ‘Sunday in the Country’ Dominoes Championship will commence on September 15th at David Hunte’s residence in Middle Street, Pouderoyen, West Demerara.

This was disclosed by a press release from the organising committee, which comprises Mark Wiltshire and Hunte. According to the release, the event, which will commence at 14:30hrs, will feature both male and female teams.

The entrance fees for male and female teams are $15,000 and $10,000, respectively.

“$100,000 has been added to the prizes (in the pot), and the best female player in the first round will receive a hamper and $5000; the best female player in the tournament will receive $10,000”, the release stated. The event will be governed and administered by the Guyana National Domino Association rules.