Commonwealth Ministerial Group concerned at Venezuela’s actions on border controversy

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation Hugh Todd participating in the meeting. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs photo)

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The Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Guyana (CMGG) on Wednesday expressed concern about Venezuela’s actions this year on the border controversy with this country.

In a statement,  the Group said that since its last meeting in December 11, 2023, Venezuela has taken actions which constitute a threat to Guyana’s sovereignty.

Following the conclusion of a virtual meeting which was addressed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Todd, the CMGG said: “The Group noted with concern developments in Venezuela since the last CMGG meeting. They include Venezuela’s promulgation of the ‘Organic Law for the Defence of the Guyana Esequiba’ on 3 April 2024 that creates a new state, establishes a High Commission for its defence, proposes the implementation of social programmes for the local population, and administrative units for oil, mining and industrial activities.