National Defence Institute launched

NDI launched: President Irfaan Ali is sixth from right in front row. (Office of the President photo)

-part of effort to protect country’s national interests

The Guyana Defence Force’s National Defence Institute (NDI) was launched yesterday with the aim of providing specialised and accredited academic training on security issues utilising a wide array of local and international experts.

While housed at the University of Guyana, Turkeyen campus, at which classes will commence next month, the institute will be an independent entity, drawing its teaching pool from experts at home, the region, and internationally, with immediate plans for the training of security and civilian persons on addressing cybersecurity threats, and an analysis of the threats that gangs pose.

“The National Defence Institute we launch today. It’s not just another training institution. It is integral to our national defence strategy and our regional defence strategy. The institute is a crucial part of building capacity and expertise within our national defence architecture,” President Irfaan Ali said at the event to mark the launch which was held in the Lula Room at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, in Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown.